A Message From AB Foundation-COVID-19


We would like to express our gratitude and sincere appreciation of the hard work and endeavors of all the individuals who are going above and beyond during this critical time.

  • IT Specialist and Administrators for keeping all the networks secure with the increased overload and special situations.  For ensuring everyone has secure access.
  • Healthcare Specialist for your tireless and dedicated service to comforting the hurting, and working to find solutions towards the cure, while putting yourselves on the front line.
  • Police and Fire Departments for providing our communities safety, security, and protection and calm assurance during this time.
  • Education: Administrators, Teachers, and Support Staff for ensuring the needs of our students and their families are met while providing creative solutions in continuing their education.
  • Grocery and Retail Clerks for providing amazing customer service and going above and beyond in serving the needs of the community.
  • Delivery Systems and Truck Drivers for continuing to move all the goods and services to each of those listed above to ensure continuity of necessary products and services.
  • Military Personnel at home and abroad for maintaining order and establishing vital emergency communication, medical, and support systems.

- By Donna Woods, Board of Directors, Aaron Barnett Foundation

We are in this together, and praying for you and your family stay healthy and safe.

Some important links to learn more about COVID-19 & it’s prevention-



