Launched the ABF Article Writing Competition
Posted On 12-20-2021 12:11 AM | Categories ABF News
The ABF Board is proud to announce an Article Writing Competition for the Student Ambassadors starting December 15, 2021, to April 15, 2022
The Student Ambassador duties and responsibilities will include the following activities:
There will be a panel to review all articles.
The panel will grade all articles based on the elements listed below. The authors with the top four scores for their article submissions will be awarded prizes. In the event of a tie score, the ABF Board will make a determination based on each student’s overall participation in the Student Ambassador program. All articles become the property of the Aaron Barnett Foundation and may be used as blog posts on the ABF website and in other publications with credit to the authors.
The grading system will be based on the following -
Each article contains 25 points to grade. The total score for all four submissions by each author will be used to determine the highest point winner.
All submissions must be original products by their respective authors. Cited references are certainly okay, but the author must take care to avoid plagiarizing other work. Plagiarized work will be returned, and the author will be disqualified from participation in the awards competition.
The quality of the article is often enhanced through the inclusion of relevant information from original sources. Please use standard citation methods to credit these sources, whether they are data, numbers, tables, diagrams, pictures, video links, descriptions, quoted text, etc.
Four article topics or prompts will be provided by the ABF Board each month
Article Award*:
1st prize: $200.00
2nd prize: $150.00
3rd prize: $100.00
4th prize: $50.00
*Awards may be made via check from the Aaron Barnett Foundation or gift card.
Article Management Coordinator; Steve Thornton.
Article Review Panel: TBD.
Technical Coordination: Sabina Islam
Budget Allocation: Tim Kelly
The ABF board members will choose four topics for the articles.