Posted On 10-15-2021 11:12 PM| Categories ABF News
David Cumbow, Member, Board of Directors, Aaron Barnett Foundation!
By Sabina Islam, March 28, 2021
Congratulations to David Cumbow, one of our ABF board members, for being selected for SynEd's Cyber Hero Award for 2021. Aaron as a mentor was very proud of David’s accomplishments, dedication and success in the field of Cybersecurity. Today Aaron would be very pleased and impressed with his success.
The board of directors of the Aaron Barnett Foundation, are very pleased to have David Cumbow as one of the founding members. It's an honor that David Cumbow mentioned Aaron by name, recalling his memories of how Aaron thought it was important to put someone young in front of the students and show them the personal side of what drives a passion for Cyber Security.
We feel great pride in watching ABF fulfill Aaron’s dream of helping and encouraging young students toward the enlightened path of a cybersecurity career, which is considered thriving and rewarding.
Under our board’s leadership, especially our board president Zeina Ammar who is instrumental in the growth of ABF, focused on achieving a significant milestone with greater expectations and renewed vision this year.