Aaron was elected to serve on the CETPA Board at the 2009 Annual Conference and began his service in January 2010. He served in various capacities including president of the organization and remained a director at large until his passing in 2018. Aaron was instrumental enhancing CETPA’s goal of being the recognized authority supporting educational technologists in California and beyond. Aaron’s passion was enabling the capacity of others and he enacted that passion with focus, great ideas, and his great sense of humor. He served on the steering committee of CETPA’s signature CTO Mentor Program that provides core training for technology leaders who complete a rigorous eight- month certification program. Aaron also served as an instructor in this program, leading candidates in deep dives in cybersecurity and related topics, and was a mentor assigned to support individual candidates as well. Aaron led the development of training programs in cybersecurity and other programs for CETPA members in partnership with California’s TAPD (Technical Assistance and Professional Development) program and presented on these topics at numerous venues throughout California and beyond.